Our Awesome Team

Joshua Foster

Meet Joshua Foster, a devoted Healer and Consciousness Guide within the medicinal realm. With over 4 years of dedicated practice and more than fifty guided sessions enriching the lives of others, Joshua's journey is not just a profession but a calling. Stemming from his own transformative experiences, he has garnered invaluable insights that he feels compelled to share, fostering healing and awakening in every soul he touches.

Joshua's philosophy is anchored in the profound realization of "I Am" — an acknowledgment of being part of a greater whole, yet understanding the humility in "knowing nothing." This paradoxical wisdom forms the foundation of his approach, inviting you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. His commitment is to guide you towards unveiling your true self, nurturing self-love, and transcending to higher states of consciousness through the synergistic power of medicine and disciplined mindfulness.

His mission is deeply personal; Joshua's desire to love and assist as many individuals as possible resonates through his work. He sees the reflection of his essence in every interaction, embodying the principle of universal love. "I love you as I love myself. Know Thyself," he often says, encapsulating his belief in the interconnectedness of all beings.

With Joshua, you are not merely embarking on a journey; you are conquering your mind, unlocking doors to understanding your true potential, and learning to live in a heightened state of awareness. His guidance is a beacon for those seeking to navigate the depths of their being, offering a compassionate hand to hold as you delve into the realms of your inner world. Join Joshua Foster in exploring the infinite possibilities that lie within, and together, let's illuminate the path to your true self.

Summer Flynn

Hi! I’m Summer Flynn, I spent the first 25 years of my life (barely) surviving (I’m 27 now). My spirit, my soul, my body constantly at war with one another. A survivor of childhood sexual assault and domestic violence (physical and mental) from the age 6 and on, a care giver to a chronically ill parent who ended up passing when I was 11 and the daughter to another who decided he didn’t want a relationship with me anymore at the age of 23. I don’t have any fancy letters to tack onto the end of my name. I didn’t read books about how you “should feel” or be “handled.” I didn’t memorize answers for a test and pay tens of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper that I can up-charge you for later. But, I have experience. I’ve been to many transformational trainings and seminars on their own. I’ve experienced psilocybin on its own. Combining the two in this way was nothing like I’ve ever seen before. I have NEVER felt more alive, more free, more unity between my spirit, my soul and my body. Years and years of hurt and pain made sense of… made BEAUTIFUL, in three short days. I have not only my own personal experience but also many others that I’ve had the honor to witness or be a part of. War vets PTSD - gone. Broken marriages - healing. Sexual assault victims - comfortable and in love with their bodies again. Countless others. So what do I “do” or want? I just want to sit with you. I want to create space for you. I want you to know you’re not alone. I want you to know you are seen. Heard. Worthy of TRUE healing. Without a notebook. Without judgment. Just love.

Adam Deutsch

Hey everyone, I'm Adam Deutsch. I grew up in a family where we joked that, "we put the FUN in dysFUNction!" I was constantly made fun of for being my own unique self. So I became what I thought others would want me to be.

Fast forward to August 2022.

I came within inches of being hit by a van while riding my bicycle - a true near death experience. In that moment something magical happened.... I unlocked my brain's full computing power. Time seemingly stopped. What felt like 5 minutes of thought was condensed into a few split seconds. After that experience, I decided that I would mentally train for neuroplasticity. I began meditating, breathwork, yoga & stretching everyday with the goal of unlocking that power again (I have since done it two other times).

Through the daily practice this triggered both a Spiritual Awakening and a Kundalini Awakening. I later added plant medicines to the mix after reading how psilocybin also aids in neuroplasticity. They allow me to reach deeper states of meditation and thus higher states of consciousness which translates into the rest of my life.

These changes helped me realize that I am great just the way I am and allowed my true Self to come out and shine. On our retreats, it's my goal to help you quiet your mind, de-stress, and allow the very best version of yourself to shine!